The Season of Advent

Happy New Year! Today marked the first day of the new Church Year. During the season of Advent, we focus on Jesus’ coming: his coming in the flesh to be our Savior, his coming into hearts through Word and Sacrament, but particularly his coming in the clouds on the Last Day to judge the living and the dead. Jesus directs us to live in constant watchfulness, eagerly anticipating his return to deliver us from the effects of sin.

Prepare your heart for the Savior’s second coming and for a proper celebration of his first coming by attending mid-week Advent services. “Who Are We Waiting For?” serves as the theme of the three-week series that begins this Wednesday evening (December 5). These shortened services will start at 7pm and focus on Messianic Psalms pointing to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. All are invited and we would love for you to join us!