Are You Ready For Christmas?

It seems that Christmas comes faster and faster every year! Have you been able to get everything done that you were hoping to fit in this year before the big day? Is your shopping done? Are all the gifts wrapped under the tree? Have you finished all of your projects that you promised yourself you would have done before the end of the year? Chances are.... no, there is still so much that you have to do! I pray God gives you strength to get done everything on your list!

However, I pray all the more that all of these "other" things don't make you too busy to remember the reason we celebrate Christmas in the first place! For all the time we take to get presents, finish projects, and send updates and messages to family and friends, have you planned enough time to join the angels, the shepherds, and the wise men to gather around God's gift to you? 

Christmas is not all about our gifts and our efforts... sometimes it gets hard to remember that. Christmas IS all about God's wonderful gift to us, "wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Christmas is about peace with God that comes to us through the babe born in Bethlehem. Christmas is about God's faithfulness to always fulfill his promises. Christmas is about how much time and sacrifice God gave for us to be his washed, redeemed, and holy children for all eternity. Christmas is about Christ. Let us not forget the gift God has given us.

Take time this Christmas to think about what Christ means for you. Take time to celebrate the birthday of your Savior. Take time to give thanks for his love that dwelt among us and now dwells in you.

Join us on Christmas Eve at 6:30pm to hear our children share what happened on that first Christmas.

Join us also on Christmas Day at 9:00am as we ponder the amazing person of Christ, fully God and fully man, our perfect Savior. 

May God bless you and yours this Christmas season,

Pastor Titus Buelow